Section: Dissemination


Accueil d'une classe de MPSI:

D. Coudert, F. Giroire and N. Nisse participated to the event at Inria (http://www.inria.fr/centre/sophia/actualites/accueil-d-une-classe-de-mpsi-retour-en-images );

Attention grands travaux:

Several members of Mascotte participated to the documentary "Attention grands travaux : Sophia Antipolis - L'utopie High Tech" for the Public-Sénat channel (watch it online );


J.-C. Bermond is in charge of the attractiveness of the center Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerannée. He organized Inria days with Athens (February 14-15, and May 21-22, 2012);

Fête de la Science:

F. Giroire presented the stand "Magie et jeux mathématiques" at Sophia Antipolis, France (October 10, 2012);

Ils débarquent sur votre téléphone:

D. Coudert and C. Castro co-signed an article entitle "Ils débarquent sur votre téléphone : 4G, NFC et Li-Fi ?" on Inriality. Originaly prepared for the series « Le saviez-vous » posted on Inria.fr and twitter;

Internet and Smartphones:

J.-C. Bermond gave a talk at the evening "Internet et Smartphones" organized at Nice (CUM) on April 10 by SEE Cote d'Azur and la Mairie de Nice Organisation (February 14-15, 2012);

Internet and Graph theory:

J.-C. Bermond and J.Moulierac wrote an article on Internet and Graph theory for CDC (a journal destined to teachers and students in high schools) [79] ;

Plaisirs des Sciences:

F. Havet gave the conference "La hasard fait-il bien les choses ? : une gentille introduction au probabilités" at Rians, France (February 14, 2012);

Scientific mediation:

J.-C. Bermond supervised a brainstorming on scientific mediation with Inria staff members.